Creating Moments
That Enrich Both Taste & Soul

Our story
T h e S t o r y B e h i n d S k i l p a d v l e i

The farm derives its charming name from the legendary colony of tortoises that was found in the vlei in the 1800’s. The beautiful piece of land was dubbed Skilpadvlei and has been in the hands of the Joubert family since 1917. Today, fourth generation Willie Joubert upholds the proud family tradition of harnessing the rich potential of the land with a dedicated commitment to quality.

Organically Grown Grapes
O u r W i n e s
⎯ Skilpadvlei Rosé 2023
⎯ Skilpadvlei Sauvignon Blanc 2023
⎯ Skilpadvlei Merlot 2022
⎯ Skilpadvlei ML Joubert 2021

Upcoming events
